Plot Plan Development

Plot plan

The plot plan is basically an arrangement drawing that shows the equipment and supporting facilities (pipe racks, structures, buildings, roads). Various basic guidelines to develop a plot plan have been captured and presented in the video lectures. This Course has been organized into 9 lectures & is explained in an organized way. The complete course can be finished within 1 hour.

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What you’ll learn

Following 8 modules have been captured and explained:

  1. All Aspects & Parameters which need to be taken care have been listed and explained
  2. Unit plot plan definitions and Various stages have been discussed.
  3. Various inputs required to start developing the plot plan have been discussed.
  4. Various guidelines required to locate the Column, Furnace and Reactors in any plot plan have been captured.
  5. Various guidelines required to locate the Compressors & Pumps in any plot plan have been captured.
  6. Various guidelines required to locate the Exchangers & air-coolers in any plot plan have been captured.
  7. Various guidelines required to locate the Drums & Pipe rack in any plot plan have been captured.
  8. Various Check points required to finalize plot plan have been captured.

Once the basic fundamentals are clear then same parameters can be implemented in any project to develop the plot plan.

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