What is EPCLand

What is EPCLand

What is EPCLand :

EPCLand is an effort & step towards developing a platform to bring engineering community & like minded people together to learn from each other and share Technical & Professional experiences. Lets check out Varous Sections available on this Platform.

Quick Tour : EPCLand

Platform where you will come across a lot of technical information in the form of Technical courses (30+ Courses already published), Technical articles (hundreds of blogs already published) in the form of text and videos (350+ videos already published)

Various Sections

On this platform you will find following major Sections

  1. Piping Courses
  2. Guest Post
  3. Technical Blogs
  4. Job Section
  5. Coffee Breaks

Piping Courses Section

Piping courses which provides a systematic development of skills and knowledge of Piping Design Engineering & Construction in line with international standards.

Major Attractions : (30+ Courses)

  • 2-5 hours on-demand video/Course
  • Lifetime access & Complete flexibility
  • Certificate of completion

Guest Post Section

Create your own posts, Blogs, Promote your YouTube Channel Videos by converting them in the form of article. By Single Login, you can

  • Create Blogs, Article
  • Comment on posts & Discuss
  • Submit Jobs & Apply Jobs

Along with the dedicated Dashboard to track each & every post.

Tip : Promote your YouTube videos via technical articles.

Job Section

In this section with a single login you will get following facilities :

  1. Create Professional Profile
  2. Post a Job
  3. Search a Job
  4. Apply Jobs
  5. Access to JOB Dashboard

Other Sections

Other than courses, Technical Blogs, Job section there are few areas where you can navigate, For Example : Coffee Break section where you can check out some non technical stuff. This section is created just to have a break from our technical routine work.


A lot of efforts have been put in to develop this platform. Lets Join Hands to make it more useful & Meaningful. The whole design & concept is planned & designed by me (even the web-development), lets get together to develop a healthy engineering community. Thanks for visiting!! Stay Connected!!

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