Top 5 Modules of Piping Layouts & Design

Top 5 Modules of Layout Engineering

Introduction to Piping Layouts

This Course has been organized into 5 detailed sections. 5 Sections have been categorized into 32 Lectures where individual section is explained in an organized way.

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Attempt Question on Piping Layouts

Piping Engineering Quiz

1. What is one of the criteria to estimate the rack width in pipe rack layout?

Choose the correct answer:

2. What does NPSH stand for in pump piping layout?

Choose the correct answer:

3. What is explained in terms of ladder and platform orientation in column piping layout?

Choose the correct answer:

4. What types of heat exchangers are covered in the piping layout aspects?

Choose the correct answer:

5. What aspect of pump piping layout covers basic stress recommendations?

Choose the correct answer:

What you’ll learn

Following Modules have been captured and explained:

  • Pipe Rack Piping and Layouts: 

  1. This section starts with the various inputs which are required to initiate the Pipe rack Layout & Design.
  2. Various work flows to develop the interconnection diagram along with the criteria to estimate the Rack width & number of tiers.
  3. Most of the operational & maintenance requirements have been captured.
  4. Criteria to decide the transverse beam Elevations is also explained.
  5. Various design considerations along with the pipe spacing criteria is also captured.
  6. All battery limit configurations in pipe rack design are explained along with 3D pictorial views.
  7. Supporting & flexibility required are also explained in details.
  8. Various equipment which can be placed on rack top along with the various types of platforms requirements have been presented with 3D pictures.
  9. Overall, it covers all the piping and layout aspects which need to be taken care while preparing the Pipe Rack piping layout & shelter design. 
  • Compressor Piping and Layouts:

  1. This section starts with defining the basic definitions and types of compressors.
  2. Various types of Compressor drives with respective applications are also defined.
  3. The associated items of compressor are also listed out and explained individually w.r.t to typical layout.
  4. Associated items with Steam Turbines along with layout requirements have been captured and presented in an organized manner.
  5. All the basic requirements to design he compressor shelter design are presented with 3D pictures.
  6. Elevation deciding criteria considering all possible configurations of Compressor w.r.t. associated items is also captured and detailed.
  7. Later in the course all the Piping aspects associated with compressor Layouts are also explained in details.
  8. It covers all the piping and layout aspects which need to be taken care while preparing the compressor piping layout & shelter design.
  • Column Piping and Layouts: 

  1. This section starts with the briefing of column functioning. Distillation tower working is explained in a manner that all the associated items covered in column piping circuit are covered.
  2. Piping layout aspects along with operational & maintenance requirements have been captured and explained.
  3. To understand the nozzle orientation, all types of nozzles have been listed and various criteria’s to orient each nozzle is explained in such manner that the nozzle orientation for any type of Column can be prepared.
  4. Ladder & platform orientation and arrangements have also been captured and explained.
  5. It covers all the piping and layout aspects which need to be taken care while preparing the Column / Tower piping layout & design.
  • Heat Exchanger Piping and Layouts: 

    Heat exchangers are integral part of any plant.
  1. This section starts with the classification of various types along with Constructional & Operating features of various types of exchangers.
  2. Layout aspects of Shell & tube exchanger, Spiral Exchanger & plate type exchangers are explained in details.
  3. Many 3D pictorial views have been added so that the piping layout concepts can be visualized properly.
  4. In the end few tricks to optimize the piping layout are also listed which can really save some space & money.
  5. Overall, it covers all the piping and layout aspects which need to be taken care while preparing the heat exchanger’s piping layout & design.
  • Pump Piping and Layouts: 

  1. This section starts with basic definitions & common types of Pumps used in our Industry.
  2. It covers NPSH requirements & possible solutions to mitigate it.
  3. Cavitation philosophy & its various causes are also captured.
  4. Pump suction & discharge piping is explained in detailed manner with pictorial views.
  5. Most of the layout aspects of Pump piping have been listed out & briefed.
  6. Pump spacing criteria along with maintenance & operational requirements are also covered.
  7. Various types of pump piping, basic stress recommendations & supporting requirements are explained with 3D pictures.

Overall, it covers all the piping and layout aspects which need to be taken care while preparing the Pipe Rack piping layout & shelter design.

All the 5 Sections are practically important for any piping engineer, even if somebody with working experience in piping should go through the course to refresh the fundamentals.

FAQs on Piping Layouts

  • What inputs are required to initiate Pipe Rack Layout & Design?

    • Inputs include plant layout drawings, equipment layouts, piping specifications, and project-specific requirements for operational and maintenance access.
  • How is the interconnection diagram developed for Pipe Rack Piping?

    • The interconnection diagram is developed based on process flow diagrams (PFDs) and piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), showing how different process units and equipment connect via the pipe rack.
  • How are the width and number of tiers estimated for a pipe rack?

    • Width and number of tiers depend on factors like pipe size, spacing requirements, accessibility for maintenance, and future expansion considerations, often calculated based on standard engineering practices and safety codes.
  • What criteria are used to decide transverse beam elevations in Pipe Rack Design?

    • Transverse beam elevations are decided based on clearances required for equipment and piping underneath, structural loading considerations, and accessibility for maintenance activities.
  • What considerations are important for pipe spacing in a pipe rack?

    • Pipe spacing is determined by factors such as pipe size, thermal expansion considerations, maintenance access requirements, and safety distances as per applicable codes and standards.
  • How are battery limit configurations integrated into pipe rack design?

    • Battery limit configurations, which mark the boundaries of responsibility between different contractors or sections of the plant, are integrated by ensuring clear demarcation in the pipe rack layout and design documentation.
  • What are the requirements for supporting and flexibility in pipe rack piping?

    • Pipe supports must accommodate thermal expansion, seismic movements, and operational loads while ensuring adequate flexibility to prevent excessive stresses in the piping system.
  • Describe the types of equipment that can be placed on a pipe rack top and their platform requirements.

    • Equipment such as air coolers, heat exchangers, and instruments can be placed on pipe rack tops, requiring platforms with access provisions for operation, maintenance, and safety.
  • What are the basic requirements for designing a compressor shelter?

    • Compressor shelters must consider ventilation, acoustic insulation, access for maintenance, and safety aspects related to operational hazards such as noise and vibration.
  • How are nozzle orientations determined for different types of columns in column piping layouts?

    • Nozzle orientations are determined based on process requirements, structural considerations, accessibility for maintenance, and compatibility with piping connections, ensuring efficient operation and safety.

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