
04. Advance Pipe Stress Analysis Course in CAESAR II

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $20.00.



This comprehensive course is designed to equip engineers and professionals with advanced skills in piping stress analysis and modal flow simulations. Participants will delve into specialized modules focusing on crucial aspects of stress analysis and dynamic flow scenarios, ensuring a deep understanding and practical application in the industry.

Module 1.1: Dynamics in Piping Systems Lesson 1: WRC 537 & 297 and Their Applications in Caesar II In this lesson, participants will learn about the significance and application of WRC 537 and WRC 297 in Caesar II software for effective stress analysis and how to interpret the results.

Lesson 2: Modal Analysis in Caesar II Pipe Stress Analysis This lesson delves into modal analysis, providing insights into its principles and how to effectively apply it using Caesar II for accurate piping stress analysis.

Lesson 3: Slug and Surge Flow Analysis using Caesar II Participants will explore the critical analysis of slug and surge flow scenarios, mastering the utilization of Caesar II for accurate predictions and effective management of these dynamic flow conditions.

Module 1.2: Stress Analysis for Buried Piping Lesson 1: Buried Piping Stress Analysis In this module, participants will focus on stress analysis techniques specific to buried piping, understanding how to assess and mitigate stress in such piping systems.

Module 1.3: Stress Analysis for Storage Tank Piping Lesson 1: Storage Tank Piping Stress Analysis This lesson is dedicated to stress analysis principles tailored for storage tank piping, enabling participants to conduct precise assessments and optimize the performance and safety of these systems.

By the end of this course, participants will possess a heightened understanding of dynamic flow analysis, stress evaluation, and modal analysis, empowering them to apply these techniques effectively in piping design, ensuring safety, integrity, and optimal performance of piping systems.