Gas Absorption & Stripping in Chemical Engineering
Model Separation Processes involving Absorption such as Packed Towers and Tray Columns
Course Description
Gas Absorption is one of the very first Mass Transfer Unit Operations studied in early process engineering. It is very important in several Separation Processes, as it is used extensively in the Chemical industry.
Understanding the concept behind Gas-Gas and Gas-Liquid mass transfer interaction will allow you to understand and model Absorbers, Strippers, Scrubbers, Washers, Bubblers, etc…
We will cover:
REVIEW: Of Mass Transfer Basics required
GAS-LIQUID interaction in the molecular level, the two-film theory
Application of Absorption in the Industry
Counter-current & Co-current Operation
Several equipment to carry Gas-Liquid Operations
Bubble, Spray, Packed and Tray Column equipments
Solvent Selection
Design & Operation of Packed Towers
Pressure drop due to packings
Design & Operation of Tray Columns
Single Component Absorption
Single Component Stripping/Desorption
Diluted and Concentrated Absorption
Basics: Multicomponent Absorption
Software Simulation for Absorption/Stripping Operations (ASPEN PLUS/HYSYS)
Solved-Problem Approach:
All theory is backed with exercises, solved problems, and proposed problems for homework/individual study.
At the end of the course:
You will be able to understand mass transfer mechanism and processes behind Absorption and Stripping. You will be able to continue with a Distillation Theory and more Mass Transfer Unit Operation Course and/or Separation Processes Course.
About your instructor:
I majored in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Industrial Engineering back in 2012.
I worked as a Process Design/Operation Engineer in INEOS Koln, mostly on the petrochemical area relating to naphtha treating. There I designed and modeled several processes relating separation of isopentane/pentane mixtures, catalytic reactors and separation processes such as distillation columns, flash separation devices and transportation of tank-trucks of product.
Who this course is for:
- Chemical Engineers refreshing their Mass Transfer and Separation Processes course
- Students on the relevant fields (chemical, mechanical, process engineering)
- Teachers / Professors requiring extra knowledge on Mass Transfer
- Engineers working with Absorbers / Strippers or Scrubbers / Washing Gases
- Stack Gas Engineers
What you’ll learn
- Understand the principle behind gas Absorption and Stripping
- Design & Operate Packed Towers
- Design & Operate Tray Columns
- Calculate the required values for a given Separation Process using Absorption/Stripping
- Solve analytically via Kremser Brown Souders Equation
- Understand the concept of “operation line” and “equilibrium line”
- Calculate the total required stages via Graphical Method
- Learn about Absorption Column Equipment (Trays, Packings, Column Internals)
- Calculate & Understand the minimum L/G ratio
- The HETP method for Packings
- The MTU, Method of Transfer Units for Packed Towers
- Model Co-Current and Counter-Current Operations
- Solve relevant problems involving Gas Absorption and Stripping
- Mass Transfer Basics
- Transport Phenomena (Recommended)
- Thermodynamics
- Mass and Energy Balances
- Physical Chemistry
This course includes:
- 15.5 hours on-demand video
- 1 article
- 1 downloadable resource
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of completion