8 Important Elements of Piping Engineering

8 Elements of piping Engineering

This Course has been organized into 8 detailed sections. 8 Sections have been categorized into 36 Lectures where individual section is explained in an organized way. The complete course can be finished within 4.5 hours. Certificate of completion shall also be provided. Most important thing is once enrolled, there will be “life time access” to this course.

Following is the overview of course content :

8 Elements of Piping Engineering
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What you’ll learn

Important Elements of Piping Engineering

  1. What is Piping Engineering: First section explains the total scope of piping engineering. Major deliverable produced by Piping discipline are listed out along with the various required inputs to produce the same. Typical Organograms of typical EPC organization & piping discipline are shown to understand the working of this sector. It explains the flow of information to and from piping discipline to execute any oil and gas project.
  2. Oil & Gas Project Life Cycle: This Section talks about typical project life cycle. Example of Oil and Gas Project is taken to further break-out the phases into stages. Each project stage is explained along with the various deliverable produced at each stage by the stakeholders involved.
  3. Piping Design Basis: Design basis is a foundation document of any Project. It briefs all the technical requirements which needs to be followed in a particular project.
  4. How important is Process interface: Process is initial point of any project. All the initial documents comes from Process only. In this course all the basis flow of information from and to the process have been captured and explained in a systematic manner.
  5. What is Pipe & various types: In Piping industry there are various kind of piping systems which have been covered in this Course in detail. Pipe definition, Pipe schedule, Pipe tracing types (electric, Heat, Steam) are also covered. Plastic pipe types and it benefits along with various applications have also been covered in this course.
  6. Valve Classifications & Operations: All type valves (Isolation, regulation, non-return and special types) are explained in a systematic manner. Along with the various valve principals, applications, valve operations in different plant conditions are also captured and explained.
  7. Flange Types & Details: Various flange types and its applications have been explained along with the concept of PT rating and flange Standards (ASME 16.5 & ASME 16.47) are detailed in this course. Along with various clauses covered in dimensional standards, difference between Series A & Series B are explained in detail.
  8. Strainers & Steam Trap Details: Various types of strainers & steam traps along with its applications have been captured and explained in a organized manner.

All the 8 Sections are practically important for any piping engineer, even if somebody with working experience in piping should go through the course to refresh the fundamentals. To check out the other courses published on Piping Engineering Click here.

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